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| Plataform manual

| To register


To register click here and you will be taken to the registration page.


To register, you must have the sponsor login in hand, if you do not have a sponsor login, click here.


To register your beneficiaries, you will need the following information from each one of them: Full name, CPF number, e-mail, telephone and date of birth.

Here you will have access to your virtual card. You will use this card to book your appointments and exams.

​* The deadline for your card to be available is up to 15 days after the payment for your membership.

On this page you will have control over the information of your registered beneficiaries.

​If you add dependents after 48 hours from the registration date, a fee of R$ 30.00 will be charged.

Contact our center and schedule your appointment

This is where you will request your withdrawal.

You will see your available balance and can withdraw the desired amount.

Here you will have access to your invoices.

You will be able to view your payment history, issue and payment dates of your invoices.

By clicking on this icon you will have access to the 2nd copy of your invoice.

To request you must click on the message [confirm].

You will be redirected to a screen, so click [view invoice].

You will see your payment invoice, and you will also receive an email with the invoice attached.


By clicking on this icon, you can register a new friend directly through the platform.

This tool was created so that you can – even from within the platform – start registering your new nominee quickly.

You will have access to the registration of all your registered friends, your web, direct and indirect indication.

You will see the information of each of them such as: email, full name and phone.

In addition, you will also see if they are active or inactive:

entries in red are inactive and entries in green are active.

Here you will have access to your bonus statement.

You will see the amounts entered for you for your primary and secondary referrals and membership.

You will see the value of R$ 10.00 for each primary referral, R$ 5.00 for secondary referrals and R$ 60.00 for new subscriptions.

​To understand how our bonus system works click here.

This icon will take you to a page that will allow you to invest in joining a new referral.

You will be able to pay for a guest membership using your bonuses.

How it works:
1- Your guest enters and registers normally through the registration page. Click here to go to the registration page.

2- You enter the page [Investor], click on the name of the guest and click [ok]

3- Ready! Then R$ 120.00 will be deducted from your bonus and your guest will have their membership paid.

​After that, within 24 hours, the amount of R$ 60.00 referring to your membership bonus will be refunded to your account.

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